Monday, April 30, 2012

Missing In Action??? Cover your cough!

I am mortified!!!! I have *never* lost a piece before. I got a, "Cover your cough" leaflet two days ago. It was on my desk & now, it is not! I've looked all over trying to find it! I am sure I will find it around here some place (my husband went on cleaning fest so it most likely got shoved into one of 30 drawers) but whose piece is it? I am so so sorry. :.(

Katrina Knizek

I adore, Hello Kitty! :.)

Christina Jordon

This is really fantastic!

Yan Matijuskiy

A very lovely piece of origami! Some of the patterning, I wanted to read as Kanji because it shifts slightly on the surface. (I love Kanji). Great use of color! Nice contrasts between the warm Green & Cooler Green. I have been playing with this the last three days! The "puzzle" quality and kinetic quality of this is a lot of fun! :.)

Monday, April 23, 2012

J. Ruchert

Nice play on words & great use of materials!!!

"PineApple Express"

No name- Flower

Pretty!!! And fun!

Ariel D.

Great use of materials!!!

Keneesha L.

Getting better would have worked too! Laughing!

Justin K.

Ok, I'm Irish, Welsh & Dutch! This gives me insane giggling fits!!!! :.)

Tram L.

These are great! Yes, call her! Women hate indecision! ;.)

Erin N.

That cat is fantastic!!! Creepy & sardonic...a little Pissarro & Cezanne!

Craig G.

I covered my addy!

Nikala C.

Very nice use of line on the paper!

Pabitra A.

Awee that's so sweet!

Chloe M.

Thank you!!! I had lost mine ten years ago off my letterman jacket! I was color guard! Being a cheerleader does not make you..."a cheerleader". It means you like to dance! ;.)
Ours were Orange & Black back then! The newer ones are fabulous! May the Rubber Chicken reign with us forever!!!! Muhahaha! (Sorry to you Ferris graduates ;.P)

Abel A.

Beautiful stunningly diverse country! Great food too!!! It's on my list of places to visit! :.)

Victoria D.

Manga taken to a whole new level! I love the commentary on Roger's assignments! (laughing).

"and his heart grew three pieces".

Christina N.

Very pretty! And in my favorite color too! Thank you!

Kayla L.

Jessie Robert

I adore her as well! :.)

Christopher M.

Cute! Looks like the Linux penguin.

Megan O.

Megan - why do I think we know each other? Do you know, Laurel, perhaps?
In any case- loved this!!!! Dark & twisty much?!

When stars die, they often go Nova or Super Nova, leaving behind 1. Black holes 2. Nebula. Sometimes, they kill partner stars sucking off their Hydrogen. Other times, they fail to go Nova and produce Pulsars. People do similar things when they die! ;.)

Erin C.

Fabulous envelope piece! The rivets were a nice touch!

Kristen H.

For some of us, dance is done only in private to protect the general public ;.)

Beautiful handwriting! Nice use of color. Good use of text and image.

Megan Lange

"Painted with one brush no water"

Tricky! I've done it! ;.)

No name -Photo

"These memories you barely remember...are worth the ma..(Sk?)(unreadable smudge)"

Pablo Cordova

I just got back from Spain a few months ago! :.) If I move ever again, it will be to Northern Spain however, Cordoba (pronounced same as your last name) was astounding!

That envelope is pretty fantastic!!!! And the drawing makes me think of the original Batman series! Which I love!


Very pretty! :.)

Frankie B.

Then you graduate and your student loans keep you eating Ramen for the next 20 yrs!

Sam G.

I had to play with this! It's a great face mask! :.)

Freddu Z.

Ahh the Basement! A EWU standard! :.)

Zero I.

I covered up my address. Your drawing skills are really great! Very nice use of gestural line! :.)

Kyle C.

Hockey fan, aye? ;.) Nice drawing skills!